Free Photography Quiz

How good is your photography knowledge? Find out in this fun free quiz!

The questions are aimed at experienced photographers and professionals, so may be rather difficult for novices. Only true nerds can get 100%!

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Test Your Photography Knowledge

Free general knowledge quiz to test how much you know about photography

1 / 15

Grey cards are printed with...

2 / 15

Which of these are types of image files?

(Choose all that apply)

3 / 15

What does HDR stand for?

4 / 15

What is the complementary colour for orange?

5 / 15

Which lighting setup would produce this lighting pattern?


CGI model showing one light loop lighting on face

6 / 15

What is the difference between ISO 100 and ISO 400?

7 / 15

To change a colour from a shade of red to a shade of blue which value should you alter?

8 / 15

What does a Polarising Filter do?

(Choose all that apply)

9 / 15

What colour gel should you put on your flash to balance with fluorescent lighting?

10 / 15

Which of these colour spaces has the largest gamut?

11 / 15

Which of these is the largest aperture?

12 / 15

Which colour gel should you use if you want to make a tungsten light closer to daylight?

13 / 15

Which of these types of camera has the largest sensor?

14 / 15

What does "ND" stand for? (e.g. ND filter)

15 / 15

Lens or camera shake or vibration reduction should be turned off if you are working on a tripod

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Our photography knowledge quiz covers lighting, filters, camera settings and more. Remember that the most important thing is to broaden your knowledge and understanding for the styles you shoot. Nobody needs to know absolutely everything and become a walking textbook!

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Want Help to Learn & Grow?

If you would like to improve your photography technique for indoor or outdoor shoots then Joe is available to help you through workshops and one to one photography training. He is an experienced tutor who has worked with all levels of photographers and can create a bespoke learning experience for you to make progress towards your goals. You can also receive personalised business advice to help you enjoy your business more and become more profitable.

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